Amenities Center

Clubhouse Rental Policies & Procedures

Residents and Non-Resident Club Members may reserve the Dupree Lakes Clubhouse through the Clubhouse Office for various meetings, classes, and events for a maximum of four (4) hours per event. This is on a first come, first serve basis and is subject to approval by the Clubhouse Manager. A refundable deposit is required and will be returned the next day after the function, provided there is no evidence of damage to the facility. 

No alcohol is permitted in the clubhouse or on CDD property at any time: All food and beverages used during the event will be the responsibility of the applicant and are to be removed immediately after the event. 

Decorations shall not be attached to the ceiling or to the walls. There are several hooks to hang any decorations. Confetti and/or glitter, bird seed, or rice are not permitted in the clubhouse area for use as decorations.

A $50.00 or more cleanup fee generally may be assessed in the event of not following or meeting the standard cleanup procedures. Please contact the Dupree Lakes Clubhouse to make the proper arrangements regarding availability and various other service fees.

Below are a list of policies and procedures set forth and agreed upon by the Board and the Property Manager regarding events in the Dupree Lakes Clubhouse.


  1. Applicant must be a Resident or Non-Resident Club Member.
  2. The person responsible for the application/reservation, must be present at the function during the entire period of the reservation.
  3. The rental does not include use of the full facility. The rental area includes the kitchen and areas behind the double doors where the tables and chairs are located. The clubhouse will remain open during normal business hours and other residents are permitted to use the amenities during a rented event – i.e. the TV viewing area and bath rooms.
  4. The patio/veranda and pool may not be reserved for private use.
  5. The use of the pool facilities and all other amenities are NOT included in the rental of the room nor are the projector and/or the screen.
  6. Facilities will be reserved on a first come, first served basis.
  7. Applicantion is for a maximum of four (4) hours. (+ An hour setup & an hour cleanup.)
  8. All applicants are required to fill out and sign the District Facility Use Application Agreement at the Dupree Lakes Clubhouse Office.
  9. All events will receive one hour to set up prior to event start time & one hour to breakdown at the end.
  10. The facility shall be left in the same condition it was found prior to the event.
  11. You may not exceed the time you are allotted.
  12. Renter must supply all kitchen products. This includes: plates, napkins, cups, etc. Dupree Lakes will provide cleaning supplies and garbage bags.


Application Agreement must be completed and signed no later than fourteen (14} days before the event date. Deposit and Rental Fee must be paid with signing of the Agreement.  Any violation of the rental polices may result in forfeiture of the security deposit and may include additional damages at the discretion of Management. 

Private Event Resident Rental Schedule of Fees:

  • Saturday:  12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  - $150.00
  • Sunday:      1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  - $150.00 
  • Non Resident Fees - 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.- $650 (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Refundable Security Deposit: - $150.00

(A staff charge will be added if Clubhouse Staff attendance is requested or required.)